How to Install npm on Ubuntu: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to installing npm on Ubuntu! In this detailed article, we will walk you through each step of the installation process, ensuring that you have a solid understanding of npm and its importance for JavaScript development. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this guide will equip you with all the necessary knowledge to successfully install and utilize npm on your Ubuntu system.

What is npm?

Before we delve into the installation process, let’s take a moment to understand what npm is and why it is crucial for JavaScript developers. npm, short for Node Package Manager, is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of managing and sharing reusable code packages in JavaScript projects. It offers a vast ecosystem of open-source libraries and packages that developers can readily incorporate into their applications, saving time and effort in development.

With npm, you gain access to an extensive collection of packages that cover a wide range of functionalities. From frameworks like React and Angular to utility libraries like Lodash, npm provides an efficient way to integrate these packages into your projects. Additionally, npm allows you to manage dependencies efficiently, ensuring that your project uses the correct versions of each package.

The Benefits of Using npm

Using npm in your JavaScript projects brings several advantages:

  • Efficient Package Management: npm simplifies the installation, updating, and removal of packages, ensuring that your project’s dependencies are well-managed.
  • Code Reusability: With npm, you can leverage existing packages and libraries, reducing the need to reinvent the wheel and saving valuable development time.
  • Community Support: npm has a thriving community of developers who actively contribute to the ecosystem by creating and maintaining packages. This community support ensures that you have access to reliable and up-to-date code.
  • Version Control: npm allows you to specify the required versions of packages, ensuring consistency across different environments and preventing compatibility issues.

Preparing Your Ubuntu System

Before installing npm, it is essential to ensure that your Ubuntu system is up-to-date and properly configured. This preparation process will help avoid any potential conflicts or issues during the installation.

Updating Your System

The first step is to update your Ubuntu system to the latest packages and dependencies. Open a terminal and run the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

This will update your system with the latest security patches and software versions. It is recommended to perform this update regularly to keep your system secure and up-to-date.

Installing Node.js

Node.js is a prerequisite for installing npm on your Ubuntu system. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that allows you to execute JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It provides the platform on which npm runs.

There are multiple ways to install Node.js on Ubuntu. Let’s explore a few of the most common methods:

Method 1: Using the Default Ubuntu Repository

The default Ubuntu repository usually contains an older version of Node.js. However, if you prefer stability over the latest features, this method may be suitable for you. Open a terminal and run the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs

This will install the latest version of Node.js from the default Ubuntu repository. After the installation is complete, you can verify the installation by running:

node -v

You should see the version number of Node.js displayed, indicating a successful installation.

Method 2: Using the NodeSource PPA

If you prefer to have access to the latest features and updates, you can install Node.js using the NodeSource PPA (Personal Package Archive). This repository provides the latest stable versions of Node.js.

To install Node.js using the NodeSource PPA, follow these steps:

  1. Add the NodeSource PPA to your system by running the following command:
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curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash –

  1. Once the PPA is added, install Node.js by running:

sudo apt install nodejs

After the installation is complete, verify the installation by running:

node -v

You should now see the version number of Node.js displayed, indicating a successful installation.

Method 3: Using NVM (Node Version Manager)

If you prefer to have more control over the Node.js versions installed on your system, you can use NVM (Node Version Manager). NVM allows you to manage multiple Node.js versions and switch between them easily.

To install NVM, follow these steps:

  1. Download the NVM installation script using cURL by running:

curl -o- | bash

  1. Close and reopen your terminal to ensure the changes take effect.
  2. Verify that NVM is installed by running:

nvm –version

You should see the version number of NVM displayed, indicating a successful installation.

  1. Install the desired version of Node.js using NVM. For example, to install the latest LTS version, run:

nvm install –lts

After the installation is complete, verify the installation by running:

node -v

You should now see the version number of Node.js displayed, indicating a successful installation.

Installing npm

Now that you have Node.js installed on your Ubuntu system, it’s time to proceed with the installation of npm. There are different methods available to install npm, depending on your preferences and requirements.

Method 1: Installing npm with Node.js

If you installed Node.js using the default Ubuntu repository or the NodeSource PPA, npm is already included in the installation. To verify if npm is installed, run the following command:

npm -v

If npm is installed, the version number will be displayed, confirming a successful installation.

Method 2: Installing npm Manually

If you installed Node.js using NVM or prefer to have more control over the npm installation process, you can install npm manually.

To install npm manually, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal and run the following command to install the npm package:

sudo apt install npm

  1. After the installation is complete, verify the installation by running:

npm -v

You should now see the version number of npm displayed, indicating a successful installation.

Verifying the Installation

After installing npm on your Ubuntu system, it’s essential to verify the installation to ensure that everything is functioning correctly.

Checking the npm Version

To check the version of npm installed on your system, open a terminal and run the following command:

npm -v

The version number of npm will be displayed, confirming a successful installation.

Testing npm with a Sample Project

A great way to verify the functionality of npm is by creating a sample project and installing a package. Let’s walk through the process:

  1. Create a new directory for your sample project by running the following command:

mkdir sample-project

  1. Navigate into the newly created directory:

cd sample-project

  1. Initialize a new npm project by running:

npm init -y

This command will create a new package.json file, which is a configuration file for your project.

  1. Install a package as a sample. For example, let’s install the popular Lodash library:

npm install lodash

This command will install the latest version of Lodash and add it as a dependency in your package.json file.

  1. Verify that the package was installed successfully.

By following these steps, you have created a sample project and successfully installed a package using npm. This verifies that npm is functioning correctly on your Ubuntu system.

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Updating npm

npm releases regular updates with new features, bug fixes, and security patches. It is essential to keep npm up-to-date to benefit from the latest enhancements and ensure the security and stability of your projects.

Method 1: Updating npm with npm

The simplest way to update npm is by using npm

Method 1: Updating npm with npm

The simplest way to update npm is by using npm itself. Open a terminal and run the following command:

npm install -g npm@latest

This command will update npm to the latest version available. After the update is complete, you can verify the updated version by running:

npm -v

The updated version number of npm should be displayed, confirming a successful update.

Method 2: Updating npm with Node Version Manager (NVM)

If you installed Node.js using NVM, you can use NVM to update npm as well. Follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal and run the following command to update NVM:

nvm install-latest-npm

This command will update npm to the latest version available. After the update is complete, verify the updated version by running:

npm -v

The updated version number of npm should be displayed, confirming a successful update.

Uninstalling npm

If, for any reason, you need to remove npm from your Ubuntu system, you can do so using different methods depending on how you initially installed npm.

Method 1: Uninstalling npm with Node.js

If you installed npm along with Node.js using the default Ubuntu repository or the NodeSource PPA, you can uninstall npm by removing the Node.js package. Open a terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt remove nodejs

This command will remove both Node.js and npm from your system.

Method 2: Uninstalling npm Manually

If you installed npm manually using the npm package, you can uninstall it using the package manager. Open a terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt remove npm

This command will remove the npm package from your system.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

During the installation or usage of npm on Ubuntu, you may encounter some common issues. Let’s explore a few of them and provide troubleshooting tips:

Error: EACCES: Permission Denied

If you encounter a permission denied error while installing or using npm, it indicates that you do not have the necessary permissions to access or modify certain files or directories. To resolve this issue, you can try running the command with sudo:

sudo npm install “`

However, using sudo with npm is not recommended as it can lead to potential security risks. A better approach is to change the ownership of the required directories to your user. Run the following command, replacing “ with your actual username:

sudo chown -R ~/.npm

This command changes the ownership of the `.npm` directory to your user, allowing you to install packages without using sudo.

Error: ENOENT: No Such File or Directory

If you encounter an “ENOENT: no such file or directory” error while running npm commands, it usually indicates that the specified file or directory does not exist. Double-check the path and ensure that the file or directory exists. If the error persists, try reinstalling npm to ensure that all necessary files and directories are in place.

Error: EEXIST: File Already Exists

The “EEXIST: file already exists” error occurs when npm tries to create a file or directory that already exists. This can happen if you are trying to install a package that is already installed or if there are conflicting versions of packages. To resolve this issue, you can try updating the package or removing the conflicting version before reinstalling it.

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Error: npm Command Not Found

If you receive an “npm command not found” error, it indicates that npm is not in your system’s PATH. This can happen if npm was not installed correctly or if the installation directory is not added to the PATH. To resolve this issue, you can try reinstalling npm or adding the installation directory to your PATH manually.

Best Practices for Using npm

Now that you have successfully installed npm on your Ubuntu system, let’s explore some best practices to ensure a smooth and efficient development experience:

1. Use a Package.json File

Always initialize your projects with a `package.json` file. This file serves as a configuration file for your project and includes metadata and dependencies. It allows you to easily manage and share your project’s dependencies with others.

To create a `package.json` file, navigate to your project’s root directory in the terminal and run:

npm init

Follow the prompts to provide the required information for your project. You can also use the `-y` flag to generate a `package.json` file with default values:

npm init -y

2. Specify Package Versions

When installing packages, it is a good practice to specify the desired version explicitly. This ensures that your project uses the same versions of dependencies across different environments and prevents unexpected issues due to version mismatches.

You can specify the version in the `dependencies` section of your `package.json` file using the following format:

“dependencies”: {
“package-name”: “version”

For example, to specify that your project requires Lodash version 4.17.21, add the following entry:

“dependencies”: {
“lodash”: “4.17.21”

3. Update Packages Regularly

Regularly update your project’s dependencies to benefit from bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features. Outdated packages may pose security risks or compatibility issues.

To update all packages in your project, open a terminal in your project’s root directory and run:

npm update

4. Use npm Scripts

npm allows you to define scripts in your `package.json` file, which can be executed using the `npm run` command. Using npm scripts, you can automate common tasks like running tests, building your project, or starting a development server.

To define a script, add a `scripts` section to your `package.json` file. Each script is associated with a command or a series of commands. For example, to define a script for running tests, add the following entry:

“scripts”: {
“test”: “jest”

You can then run the script by executing:

npm run test

5. Explore the npm Ecosystem

npm provides a vast ecosystem of packages and libraries that can significantly accelerate your development process. Take the time to explore the official npm website and search for packages that can fulfill your project requirements. Additionally, consider contributing to the community by creating and publishing your own packages.


Congratulations! You have successfully completed the comprehensive guide on installing npm on Ubuntu. Throughout this article, we covered the importance of npm in JavaScript development, the process of preparing your Ubuntu system, installing Node.js, installing npm, verifying the installation, updating npm, uninstalling npm, troubleshooting common issues, and best practices for using npm.

By following the step-by-step instructions and best practices provided in this guide, you are now equipped with the knowledge and tools to leverage the power of npm in your JavaScript projects. Remember to keep your npm and project dependencies up-to-date, specify package versions for consistency, and explore the vast npm ecosystem for additional packages that can enhance your development workflow.

Thank you for choosing our guide, and we hope it has been helpful in your npm installation journey. Happy coding!