How to Install Brew on Mac: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our detailed and comprehensive guide on how to install Brew on Mac. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, this article will provide you with step-by-step instructions to help you easily set up and utilize Brew on your Mac. From understanding what Brew is to installing it and exploring its powerful features, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and get started!

Table of Contents

Understanding Brew: An Introduction

Before we delve into the installation process, let’s begin by understanding what Brew is and why it has become a popular choice for package management on Mac. Brew, short for Homebrew, is an open-source package manager that allows you to easily install, update, and manage software packages on your Mac from the command line. Unlike traditional package managers, Brew focuses on simplicity, flexibility, and a user-centric approach.

With Brew, you have access to a vast repository of software packages, ranging from development tools to productivity applications and everything in between. Whether you need to install a specific programming language, a database management system, or even a media player, Brew simplifies the process by handling dependencies, ensuring smooth installations, and providing seamless updates.

Why Choose Brew?

There are several compelling reasons to choose Brew as your package manager on Mac:

  • Simplicity: Brew follows the “keep it simple” philosophy, making it easy for both beginners and experienced users to install and manage software packages on their Mac.
  • Flexibility: Brew offers a wide range of software packages, giving you the flexibility to customize your development environment or enhance your productivity with just a few simple commands.
  • Community-Driven: Brew has a vibrant and active community that continuously maintains and updates the packages available in its repository, ensuring you have access to the latest versions and bug fixes.

Benefits of Using Brew

Using Brew as your package manager on Mac provides several benefits:

  • Effortless Installations: Brew simplifies the installation process by handling dependencies automatically. You no longer need to worry about manually installing additional software components required by the package you want to install.
  • Version Management: Brew allows you to manage multiple versions of a package simultaneously. This is particularly useful for developers who need to work with different versions of programming languages or libraries.
  • Easy Updates and Upgrades: Brew makes it easy to keep your installed packages up to date. With a simple command, you can update all your packages or specific ones to the latest versions available in the repository.
  • Uninstallation Made Simple: Brew provides a clean and straightforward way to uninstall packages. If you no longer need a particular package, Brew ensures all associated files are removed, leaving your system clean and clutter-free.

Prerequisites for Installing Brew

Before diving into the installation process, it’s important to ensure that your Mac meets the necessary requirements and that you have the required tools installed. Let’s go through the prerequisites and guide you through the necessary preparations for a smooth installation.

System Requirements

To install and use Brew on your Mac, you need to ensure that your system meets the following requirements:

  • macOS: Brew supports macOS versions 10.14 (Mojave) and later. If you are running an older version, consider upgrading your operating system to a compatible version.
  • Command Line Tools: Before installing Brew, you need to have the Xcode Command Line Tools installed. These tools provide essential utilities and compilers required for software development on Mac. If you haven’t installed them yet, open the Terminal and run the following command:

xcode-select –install

Checking Xcode Command Line Tools

To verify if the Xcode Command Line Tools are already installed on your Mac, open the Terminal and run the following command:

xcode-select -p

If the command returns a valid path, it means the Xcode Command Line Tools are already installed. Otherwise, a dialog box will prompt you to install them. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Updating macOS and Xcode Command Line Tools

It’s recommended to update your macOS and Xcode Command Line Tools to the latest versions before proceeding with the installation. Keeping your system up to date ensures compatibility and stability. To update macOS, click on the Apple menu in the top-left corner of your screen, select “System Preferences,” then click on “Software Update.” Follow the instructions to install any available updates.

To update the Xcode Command Line Tools, open the Terminal and run the following command:

sudo softwareupdate –all –install –force

Enter your administrator password when prompted, and let the update process complete. Once updated, you are ready to proceed with installing Brew on your Mac.

Installing Homebrew

Now that you have met the prerequisites, it’s time to install Homebrew on your Mac. Homebrew provides a simple installation script that sets up everything you need to start using Brew. There are different installation methods available, including using the Terminal and the official Homebrew website.

Installation Method 1: Using the Terminal

The Terminal is a powerful tool that allows you to interact with your Mac using text commands. To install Brew using this method:

  1. Open the Terminal by navigating to “Applications” > “Utilities” > “Terminal.”
  2. In the Terminal window, paste the following command:
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/bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL”

Press Enter to run the command. This command triggers the installation script, which will guide you through the installation process.

Installation Method 2: Using the Official Homebrew Website

If you prefer a graphical interface, you can also install Brew by visiting the official Homebrew website:

  1. Open your web browser and navigate to
  2. On the Homebrew website, click on the “Install Homebrew” button.
  3. This will open a new page with the installation command.
  4. Copy the installation command.
  5. Open the Terminal by navigating to “Applications” > “Utilities” > “Terminal.”
  6. In the Terminal window, paste the installation command and press Enter.

Both methods will initiate the installation process and display relevant information and prompts in the Terminal. Follow the on-screen instructions and wait for the installation to complete.

Verifying the Installation

Once you have successfully installed Brew, it’s essential to verify the installation to ensure everything is set up correctly. Let’s go through the verification process to confirm that Brew is installed and ready to use.

Verifying Brew Installation

To verify the Brew installation, open the Terminal and run the following command:

brew doctor

The “brew doctor” command checks for any potential issues with your Brew installation. If everything is set up correctly, you should see a message indicating that your system is ready to brew. If any issues are detected, follow the suggested steps to resolve them before proceeding.

Verifying Brew Version

To check the version of Brew installed on your system, run the following command:

brew –version

The command will display the version number of Brew. Make sure the version matches the latest stable release. If you see a different version or encounter any errors, refer to the official Brew documentation or community forums for assistance.

Using Brew: Basic Commands

Now that Brew is installed and verified, let’s explore the basic commands that will enable you to start utilizing Brew effectively. Understanding these commands will allow you to update Brew, searchfor available packages, manage installed packages, and perform other essential tasks. Familiarize yourself with the following basic commands to get started:

Updating Brew

Keeping Brew up to date ensures that you have access to the latest features and bug fixes. To update Brew, simply run the following command:

brew update

This command fetches the latest version of Brew and updates its repository of packages. It is recommended to run this command regularly to ensure you have the most recent updates.

Searching for Packages

To search for available packages in the Brew repository, use the following command:

brew search “`

Replace “ with the name or keyword related to the package you are looking for. Brew will display a list of packages that match your search criteria, along with their descriptions. This command is particularly useful when you want to explore new software or find specific packages to install.

Installing Packages

Installing packages with Brew is straightforward. Use the following command to install a package:

brew install “`

Replace “ with the name of the package you want to install. Brew will handle the installation process, including any dependencies required by the package. Sit back and let Brew do the work for you.

Listing Installed Packages

If you want to see a list of packages installed on your system, run the following command:

brew list

Brew will display a list of all installed packages. This command provides a quick overview of the software you have installed using Brew.

Updating Installed Packages

To update all the installed packages to their latest versions, use the following command:

brew upgrade

Brew will check for updates for all installed packages and update them if a newer version is available. It’s a good practice to run this command regularly to ensure you have the most recent versions of your installed packages.

Upgrading Specific Packages

If you only want to upgrade specific packages, you can specify them in the upgrade command. For example:

brew upgrade “`

Replace “ with the name of the package you want to upgrade. Brew will check for updates for the specified package and upgrade it if a newer version is available.

Uninstalling Packages

If you no longer need a specific package installed via Brew, you can remove it using the following command:

brew uninstall “`

Replace “ with the name of the package you want to uninstall. Brew will remove the package and any associated files from your system, freeing up disk space.

Checking Package Information

If you want to view detailed information about a specific package, including its version, dependencies, and installation options, use the following command:

brew info “`

Brew will display comprehensive information about the package, helping you make informed decisions when installing or managing packages.

Updating Brew Formulae

Brew formulae are the scripts or instructions used to install packages. To update the Brew formulae, run the following command:

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brew upgrade –fetch-HEAD

This command updates the formulae to the latest versions available in the Brew repository. It ensures that you have access to the most up-to-date installation instructions for packages.

Taking Brew Doctor’s Advice

From time to time, it’s a good idea to run the Brew Doctor command to check for any issues or inconsistencies with your Brew installation. If Brew detects any problems, it will provide advice and suggestions to resolve them. To run Brew Doctor, use the following command:

brew doctor

Follow the instructions and recommendations provided by Brew Doctor to maintain a healthy Brew installation.

Installing Packages with Brew

One of the main advantages of Brew is its ability to effortlessly install and manage packages. Let’s dive deeper into the process of installing packages with Brew, including handling specific software, managing versions, and dealing with dependencies.

Installing Specific Versions of Packages

Sometimes, you may need to install a specific version of a package to meet compatibility requirements or other specific needs. Brew allows you to install older versions alongside the latest ones. To install a specific version, use the following command:

brew install @

Replace “ with the name of the package and “ with the desired version number. Brew will install the specified version of the package if it is available in the repository. This flexibility is particularly valuable for projects that rely on specific software versions.

Managing Package Dependencies

Dependencies are additional software components required by a package to function properly. Brew automatically handles dependencies, ensuring that all necessary components are installed when you install a package. If a package has any missing dependencies, Brew will install them before proceeding with the package installation.

In some cases, you may encounter conflicts or issues with package dependencies. Brew provides tools to resolve these situations. For example, if you want to remove a package but keep its dependencies, use the following command:

brew uninstall –keep-tmp “`

Replace “ with the name of the package you want to uninstall. This command removes the specified package while preserving any dependencies.

Managing Outdated Packages

Over time, packages may become outdated and new versions may be released. Brew provides a command to identify outdated packages installed on your system:

brew outdated

The command will display a list of packages that have newer versions available. To upgrade all the outdated packages, use the upgrade command we discussed earlier:

brew upgrade

Brew will update the outdated packages to their latest versions, ensuring that you have the most recent features and bug fixes.

Updating and Upgrading Brew

Brew itself is a dynamic tool that receives updates and improvements regularly. To ensure you have the latest version of Brew, it’s crucial to update it regularly. Let’s explore how to update and upgrade Brew on your Mac.

Updating Brew

To update Brew to the latest version, use the following command:

brew update

This command fetches the latest version of Brew and updates its repository of packages. It is recommended to run this command regularly to ensure you have the most recent updates.

Upgrading Brew

If a new major version of Brew is available, you can upgrade the entire tool. This process will replace the current version of Brew with the latest one. To upgrade Brew, use the following command:

brew upgrade –fetch-HEAD

This command updates Brew to the latest version available in the repository. It ensures that you have access to the most recent features and improvements.

Switching Between Brew Versions

In some cases, you may need to switch between different versions of Brew. For example, you may want to use an older version for compatibility reasons or to test your software against a specific release. Brew allows you to switch between versions easily. To list the available versions of Brew, use the following command:

brew search brew

This command will display a list of Brew versions available in the repository. To switch to a specific version, use the following command:

brew switch brew

Replace “ with the desired version number. Brew will switch to the specified version, allowing you to use the chosen release.

Uninstalling Brew

If, for any reason, you decide to remove Brew from your Mac, you can uninstall it cleanly. Brew provides a simple command to remove both the tool and any associated packages from your system. Follow the steps below to uninstall Brew:

Uninstalling Brew

To uninstall Brew, use the following command:

/bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL”

Running this command will remove Brew and all its related files from your Mac. It’s important to note that this command will also remove any packages you have installed using Brew. Make sure to back up any important data or configurations before proceeding with the uninstallation process.

Removing Brew-Installed Packages

If you have decided to uninstall Brew but want to keep the packages you have installed using Brew, you can manually remove them before uninstalling Brew itself. To remove a specific package, use the following command:

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brew uninstall “`

Replace “ with the name of the package you want to uninstall. Repeat this command for each package you want to remove. Once you have uninstalled all desired packages, you can proceed with uninstalling Brew using the command mentioned earlier.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While Brew is generally reliable and straightforward to use, you may encounter issues from time to time. Let’s explore some common problems and provide troubleshooting tipsto help you resolve them quickly and ensure a smooth experience with Brew.

Error: “brew command not found”

If you encounter the error message “brew command not found” when trying to use Brew, it means that the Brew executable is not in your system’s PATH. To fix this issue, you can try the following steps:

  1. Check if Brew is installed by running the following command:

brew doctor

If Brew is installed, it will display relevant information. If not, you need to reinstall Brew following the installation instructions we discussed earlier.

  1. If Brew is installed, but the error persists, check your PATH environment variable. Open the Terminal and run the following command:

echo $PATH

This command will display the directories included in your PATH. Make sure that the directory where Brew is installed (usually “/usr/local/bin”) is listed. If it’s not, you can add it to the PATH by editing your shell configuration file (e.g., ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc) and adding the following line:

export PATH=”/usr/local/bin:$PATH”

Save the file, close and reopen the Terminal, and try running the Brew command again. It should now work as expected.

Error: “You have uncommitted modifications to Homebrew”

If you receive the error message “You have uncommitted modifications to Homebrew” when trying to update or upgrade Brew, it means that you have made changes to Brew or its formulae. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Run the following command to reset any changes you made to Brew:

git -C “$(brew –repo homebrew/core)” reset –hard

  1. Run the following command to clean up and remove any untracked files:

brew cleanup

  1. After completing the above steps, try running the update or upgrade command again. It should now proceed without any issues.

Error: “Could not symlink”

If you encounter the error message “Could not symlink” when trying to install or upgrade a package using Brew, it means that there is a conflict with an existing file or symlink on your system. To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:

  1. Run the following command to diagnose and fix any issues with Brew:

brew doctor

Follow the recommendations provided by Brew Doctor to resolve any issues or conflicts it detects. This may involve removing conflicting files or adjusting permissions.

  1. If the error persists, you can try using the –force option with the installation or upgrade command. For example:

brew install –force “`

Replace “ with the name of the package you want to install or upgrade. The –force option will bypass any conflicts and forcefully install or upgrade the package. However, be cautious when using this option, as it may lead to unexpected behavior or overwrite existing files.

Additional Troubleshooting Steps

If you encounter any other issues or errors while using Brew, here are some general troubleshooting steps you can follow:

  1. Check the official Brew documentation and community forums for known issues and solutions.
  2. Ensure that you have the latest version of Brew installed by running the update command we discussed earlier.
  3. Restart your Mac and try the command again. Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve temporary issues.
  4. If you have recently updated your macOS, ensure that Brew is compatible with the new version. Check the official Brew website or forums for any updates or compatibility issues.
  5. If the issue persists, consider reinstalling Brew using the installation instructions we discussed earlier. This can help resolve any potential installation or configuration issues.
  6. Reach out to the Brew community for assistance. They are a helpful and knowledgeable group of users and maintainers who can provide guidance and support.


In conclusion, this comprehensive guide has walked you through the process of installing, utilizing, and managing Brew on your Mac. We have explored the benefits of using Brew as a package manager, the prerequisites for installation, the installation methods, and the basic commands to get you started.

You have learned how to search for and install packages, manage their versions, update and upgrade Brew, and even troubleshoot common issues that may arise. By following this guide, you are now equipped with the knowledge and skills to leverage Brew’s power and flexibility for your software management needs.

Remember to regularly update Brew to ensure you have access to the latest features and bug fixes. Stay engaged with the Brew community and explore the vast repository of packages available to enhance your development environment or productivity.

Enjoy the seamless package management experience that Brew provides and unleash its potential on your Mac!