How to Install PostgreSQL: A Comprehensive Guide for Mac, Windows, Ubuntu, CentOS, Laragon, and Linux

How to install PostgreSQL, Whether you’re using a Mac, Windows, Ubuntu, CentOS, Laragon, or Linux, this article will provide you with detailed step-by-step instructions to successfully install PostgreSQL on your system. PostgreSQL is a powerful open-source relational database management system that offers robust features and excellent performance. It is widely used by developers and organizations for managing their data efficiently and securely.

In this guide, we will cover the installation process for PostgreSQL on various operating systems, including Mac, Windows, Ubuntu, CentOS, Laragon, and Linux. Each section will provide you with a detailed walkthrough, ensuring that you can easily follow along. So, let’s get started and learn how to install PostgreSQL on your preferred platform:

Table of Contents

How to Install PostgreSQL on Mac

Installing PostgreSQL on your Mac is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to get PostgreSQL up and running on your Mac:

Step 1: Download and Install PostgreSQL for Mac

To install PostgreSQL on your Mac, you first need to download the installer from the official PostgreSQL website. Visit and choose the version that matches your Mac’s operating system. Once the download is complete, open the installer package.

Step 2: Run the Installer and Follow the On-Screen Instructions

Double-click the PostgreSQL installer package to launch it. Follow the on-screen instructions to proceed with the installation. You may be prompted to enter your administrator password during the installation process.

Step 3: Set a Password for the Default Database User

During the installation, you will be asked to set a password for the default database user, “postgres.” Choose a strong password and make sure to remember it as you will need it later to access the PostgreSQL database.

Step 4: Start the PostgreSQL Service on Your Mac

Once the installation is complete, you need to start the PostgreSQL service on your Mac. Open the “System Preferences” from the Apple menu and navigate to “PostgreSQL.” Click on the “Start” button to start the PostgreSQL service.

Step 5: Verify the Installation

To verify that PostgreSQL is successfully installed on your Mac, open the Terminal application. Type the following command and press Enter:

psql --version

If the installation was successful, the Terminal will display the version of PostgreSQL installed on your Mac.

Now you have successfully installed PostgreSQL on your Mac. You can start using PostgreSQL for your database needs and develop applications that rely on this powerful database management system.

How to Install PostgreSQL on Windows

Installing PostgreSQL on your Windows system is a simple process. Follow these steps to install PostgreSQL on Windows:

Step 1: Download the PostgreSQL Installer for Windows

To install PostgreSQL on your Windows system, you need to download the installer from the official PostgreSQL website. Visit and choose the version that matches your Windows operating system. Make sure to select the appropriate architecture (32-bit or 64-bit) for your system. Once the download is complete, run the installer.

Step 2: Run the Installer and Select the Components

Double-click the PostgreSQL installer to launch it. You will be presented with a setup wizard. Follow the instructions provided by the wizard to proceed with the installation. On the “Select Components” screen, you can choose the components you want to install. By default, all components are selected, but you can customize the installation according to your needs.

Step 3: Choose the Installation Directory and Set a Password

In the setup wizard, you will be asked to choose the installation directory for PostgreSQL. You can either accept the default directory or choose a different one. After selecting the installation directory, you need to set a password for the default database user, “postgres.” Choose a strong password and make sure to remember it as you will need it later to access the PostgreSQL database.

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Step 4: Complete the Installation and Start the PostgreSQL Service

Once you have configured the installation settings, click the “Next” button to proceed. The setup wizard will install PostgreSQL on your Windows system. After the installation is complete, you will be prompted to start the PostgreSQL service. Make sure the “Launch Stack Builder at exit” option is selected and click the “Finish” button.

Step 5: Access the PostgreSQL Command-Line Interface

To verify that PostgreSQL is successfully installed on your Windows system, you can access the PostgreSQL command-line interface. Open the “SQL Shell (psql)” application from the PostgreSQL folder in the Start menu. Enter the password you set during the installation process when prompted. If the installation was successful, you will be greeted with the PostgreSQL command prompt.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed PostgreSQL on your Windows system. You can now start using PostgreSQL for your database needs and develop applications that rely on this powerful database management system.

How to Install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu

Installing PostgreSQL on Ubuntu is a straightforward process using the package manager. Follow these steps to install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu:

Step 1: Update the Package List on Your Ubuntu System

Before installing PostgreSQL, it is recommended to update the package list on your Ubuntu system. Open the Terminal application and run the following command:

sudo apt update

Enter your password when prompted. This command will update the package list and ensure that you have the latest information about available packages.

Step 2: Install the PostgreSQL Package

Once the package list is updated, you can proceed to install the PostgreSQL package. Run the following command in the Terminal:

sudo apt install postgresql

This command will install PostgreSQL and its dependencies on your Ubuntu system. You may be prompted to confirm the installation and enter your password.

Step 3: Configure PostgreSQL

After the installation is complete, PostgreSQL will be automatically started on your Ubuntu system. However, you need to configure PostgreSQL by setting a password for the default database user, “postgres.” Run the following command in the Terminal:

sudo passwd postgres

Enter a strong password for the “postgres” user and confirm it. Make sure to remember this password as you will need it later to access the PostgreSQL database.

Step 4: Start the PostgreSQL Service and Enable Autostart

Once you have set the password for the “postgres” user, you can start the PostgreSQL service and enable it to start automatically on system boot. Run the following commands in the Terminal:

sudo systemctl start postgresql
sudo systemctl enable postgresql

The first command starts the PostgreSQL service, and the second command enables it to start on system boot. You can now use PostgreSQL on your Ubuntu system.

Step 5: Verify the Installation

To verify that PostgreSQL is successfully installed on your Ubuntu system, you can access the PostgreSQL command-line interface. Run the following command in the Terminal:

sudo -u postgres psql

If the installation was successful, you will be greeted with the PostgreSQL command prompt. You can now interact with the PostgreSQL database and perform various operations.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed PostgreSQL on your Ubuntu system. You can now start using PostgreSQL for your database needs and develop applications that rely on this powerful database management system.

How to Install PostgreSQL on CentOS

Installing PostgreSQL on CentOS is a straightforward process using the package manager. Follow these steps to install PostgreSQL on CentOS:

Step 1: Enable the PostgreSQL Repository on Your CentOS System

Before installing PostgreSQL, you need to enable the PostgreSQL repository on your CentOS system. Run the following command in the Terminal:

sudo yum install -y$(rpm -E %rhel)/$(rpm -E %rhel)/pgdg-redhat-repo-latest.noarch.rpm

This command installs the PostgreSQL repository package on your CentOS systemand enables you to install PostgreSQL using the package manager.

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Step 2: Install the PostgreSQL Package

Once the PostgreSQL repository is enabled, you can proceed to install the PostgreSQL package. Run the following command in the Terminal:

sudo yum install postgresql-server

This command installs the PostgreSQL server package on your CentOS system. You may be prompted to confirm the installation by typing ‘y’ and pressing Enter.

Step 3: Initialize the PostgreSQL Database and Start the Service

After the installation is complete, you need to initialize the PostgreSQL database and start the PostgreSQL service. Run the following commands in the Terminal:

sudo postgresql-setup initdb
sudo systemctl start postgresql

The first command initializes the PostgreSQL database cluster, and the second command starts the PostgreSQL service. You can now use PostgreSQL on your CentOS system.

Step 4: Configure PostgreSQL

After starting the PostgreSQL service, you need to configure PostgreSQL by setting a password for the default database user, “postgres.” Run the following command in the Terminal:

sudo passwd postgres

Enter a strong password for the “postgres” user and confirm it. Make sure to remember this password as you will need it later to access the PostgreSQL database.

Step 5: Verify the Installation

To verify that PostgreSQL is successfully installed on your CentOS system, you can access the PostgreSQL command-line interface. Run the following command in the Terminal:

sudo -u postgres psql

If the installation was successful, you will be greeted with the PostgreSQL command prompt. You can now interact with the PostgreSQL database and perform various operations.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed PostgreSQL on your CentOS system. You can now start using PostgreSQL for your database needs and develop applications that rely on this powerful database management system.

How to Install PostgreSQL on Laragon

Installing PostgreSQL on Laragon is a simple process. Follow these steps to install PostgreSQL on Laragon:

Step 1: Download and Install Laragon on Your Windows System

To install PostgreSQL on Laragon, you first need to download and install Laragon on your Windows system. Visit the official Laragon website at and download the Laragon installer. Double-click the installer to launch it and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Step 2: Open Laragon and Enable the PostgreSQL Add-on

After installing Laragon, open the Laragon application. Laragon provides a user-friendly interface for managing web development environments. In the Laragon window, click on the “Menu” button and navigate to “Quick add” and then “PostgreSQL.” This will enable the PostgreSQL add-on in Laragon.

Step 3: Start the Laragon Server and Access the PostgreSQL Command-Line Interface

Once the PostgreSQL add-on is enabled, you can start the Laragon server. Click on the “Start All” button in the Laragon window to start the server. Laragon will automatically configure and start PostgreSQL for you. To access the PostgreSQL command-line interface, click on the “Terminal” button in the Laragon window.

Step 4: Set a Password for the Default Database User

When you access the PostgreSQL command-line interface, you will be prompted to set a password for the default database user, “postgres.” Enter a strong password and confirm it. Make sure to remember this password as you will need it later to access the PostgreSQL database.

Step 5: Verify the Installation by Running PostgreSQL Commands

To verify that PostgreSQL is successfully installed on Laragon, you can run PostgreSQL commands in the Laragon Terminal. For example, you can run the following command to display the version of PostgreSQL:

psql -V

If the installation was successful, the Terminal will display the version of PostgreSQL installed on Laragon.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed PostgreSQL on Laragon. You can now start using PostgreSQL for your database needs and develop applications that rely on this powerful database management system.

How to Install PostgreSQL on Linux

Installing PostgreSQL on Linux is a straightforward process using the package manager. Follow these steps to install PostgreSQL on your Linux distribution:

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Step 1: Update the Package List on Your Linux System

Before installing PostgreSQL, it is recommended to update the package list on your Linux system. Open the Terminal application and run the following command:

sudo apt update

Enter your password when prompted. This command will update the package list and ensure that you have the latest information about available packages.

Step 2: Install the PostgreSQL Package

Once the package list is updated, you can proceed to install the PostgreSQL package. Run the following command in the Terminal:

sudo apt install postgresql

This command will install PostgreSQL and its dependencies on your Linux system. You may be prompted to confirm the installation and enter your password.

Step 3: Configure PostgreSQL

After the installation is complete, PostgreSQL will be automatically started on your Linux system. However, you need to configure PostgreSQL by setting a password for the default database user, “postgres.” Run the following command in the Terminal:

sudo passwd postgres

Enter a strong password for the “postgres” user and confirm it. Make sure to remember this password as you will need it later to access the PostgreSQL database.

Step 4: Start the PostgreSQL Service and Enable Autostart

Once you have set the password for the “postgres” user, you can start the PostgreSQL service and enable it to start automatically on system boot. Run the following commands in the Terminal:

sudo systemctl start postgresql
sudo systemctl enable postgresql

The first command starts the PostgreSQL service, and the second command enables it to start on system boot. You can now use PostgreSQL on your Linux system.

Step 5: Verify the Installation

To verify that PostgreSQL is successfully installed on your Linux system, you can access the PostgreSQL command-line interface. Run the following command in the Terminal:

sudo -u postgres psql

If the installation was successful, you will be greeted with the PostgreSQL command prompt. You can now interact with the PostgreSQL database and perform various operations.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed PostgreSQL on your Linux system. You can now start using PostgreSQL for your database needs and develop applications that rely on this powerful database management system.


In this article, we covered the installation process for PostgreSQL on various platforms, including Mac, Windows, Ubuntu, CentOS, Laragon, and Linux. We provided you with detailed step-by-step instructions for each platform, ensuring that you can easily install PostgreSQL on your preferred system.

On Mac, you learned how to download and install PostgreSQL, set a password for the default user, start the PostgreSQL service, and verify the installation using the command-line interface.

On Windows, you learned how to download and install PostgreSQL, select components during installation, set a password for the default user, start the PostgreSQL service, and access the command-line interface.

On Ubuntu, you learned how to update the package list, install PostgreSQL using the package manager, configure PostgreSQL, start the service, and access the command-line interface.

On CentOS, you learned how to enable the PostgreSQL repository, install PostgreSQL using the package manager, initialize the database, configure PostgreSQL, start the service, and access the command-line interface.

On Laragon, you learned how to download and install Laragon, enable the PostgreSQL add-on, start the Laragon server, set a password for the default user, and verify the installation using PostgreSQL commands.

On Linux, you learned how to update the package list, install PostgreSQL using the package manager, configure PostgreSQL, start the service, and access the command-line interface.


PostgreSQL is a powerful and feature-rich database management system used by developers and organizations worldwide. By following the instructions in this guide, you should now be able to successfully install PostgreSQL on your Mac, Windows, Ubuntu, CentOS, Laragon, or Linux system.

Remember to always refer to the official documentation and websites for the latest information and updates on PostgreSQL installation. Happy PostgreSQL installation!